Score Writer 4.1
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Score Writer 4.1

GenieSoft Score Writer is the affordable notation software that makes recording
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GenieSoft Score Writer is the affordable notation software that makes recording, editing, arranging and printing your music easy, fast and enjoyable. You can quickly enter notes on-screen with your mouse or computer keyboard, or record a MIDI performance.
Score Writer’s intuitive interface puts powerful editing tools and symbol palettes at your fingertips, so you spend time composing music instead of searching through menus. For band and small orchestral arrangements, lead sheets, choral parts or even simple notation examples, there’s no easier way to create professional notation than Score Writer.
The score window in Score Writer allows you to notate your music quickly and easily. You control all notation elements with the mouse or computer keyboard. Extensive text handling functions make it easy to add or edit lyrics, page text, measure text and rehearsal marks. Move staves on the page with a click of the mouse -- even resize the music on the page.
Score Writer has the MIDI recording capabilities you’ve always wanted in a notation program. It reads and writes standard MIDI files, provides tape deck-style transport controls, as well as multiple recording options. Score Writer offers complete MIDI playback of dynamics markings, repeats and endings. And you can edit your recorded MIDI performance on-screen, using the score window.
Score Writer has extensive notation symbols including slurs, ties, grace notes, cue notes, tuplets, accents marks, ornaments, ottava, lift, fall off, glissando up/down, and dynamics markings. Notating drum parts has never been easier.
You can play your drum sounds on a MIDI instrument and Score Writer will place the notes with percussion note heads onto a five line percussion staff. It even features an Expression palette so you can enter tempo and other changes easily.
Main features:
- Easy setup with Setup dialog
- 256 staves with 4 voices per stave
- 16 staves per system, unlimited number of systems
- 4 voices per stave, each assignable to a MIDI device
- Automatic page tiling for printout
- 32,768 measures per score
- Scrolling score window during playback
- 34" x 44" maximum page size
- WYSISWYG Page layout—what you see and edit is what you get
- Zoom score from 10% - 200%
- G (treble clef) G (8va) G (8vb)
- F (bass clef) F (8vb)
- C (movable-tenor, alto, soprano, mezzo soprano clefs)
- Percussion with staff line, notehead and MIDI pitch mapping
- Multiple meters
- Different meters between staves are supported graphically
-Supports most note marks and ornaments
- Intelligent placement of note heads can be manually adjusted
- Accidentals can be dragged anywhere
- Fingering can be attached to notes
-128th note to triple dotted whole notes
- Tuplets from 1 - 99 over 1 - 99
- Automatic beaming
- Adjustable beam height and angles
- Nested repeats and endings with MIDI playback

Comments (4)

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rating D Flatt aka drsax
I have used score writer 4.0 for over 10 years an have music published on the web with professional results. I write main sax quartets, 12 part sax choir and woodwind quintets, each with flexibility and sucess. It transposes well and is a great tool to hear immediately what I have written.

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rating Malcolm Gearx
I have used score writer for 5 years and I am well accustomed to its characteristics.

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I have used ScoreWriter for many years. I purchased it because of the reasonable cost and have found it easy to use and completely acceptable for my needs. I have used it to write simple children's music for my students and for transcribing pieces for choir, solo voice and instrumental use.

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